
Showing posts from July, 2008

-my fEElINGs arE uNstablE-

Just came back about 3- 4 hours ago from the last meeting with Qi Zheng. He's flying off back to Aussie today. Have a safe journey back Qi Zheng! Some how, this year, its been really a happening year as we had not one but 3-4 times of meeting up with primary school friends. And this meet up is really making me feeling emo. It just brings back the memories during our primary school days where we would disturb each other. Its still happening now. "Thanks Qi Zheng". Any way, counting from today, there's exactly another 2 weeks to go before I fly off to US. In two weeks time would be my turn. *ohhh... NO* And I thought this to my self, I know I can cope with it. But ever since meeting back 2 Thursdays ago, I beginning to feel different. Not knowing why, but the feeling is getting heavy. Having really heavy heart. How can I cope with it. Not even knowing if I would cry on the day I fly now. I thought I was tough, but I don't think so now. Still trying to stay as toug...

Counting my days!

I have another 13 days more to go! -theunexplainable-

-My Days left in Malaysia-

Counting my days on going to US. 26 Days -Shit I think I have lots not done yet.- -Going to miss the best time I had here.- Still counting.

Japan GT 2008

Alright this Update was to be on Japan GT Malaysia. It was on a Sunday morning 22nd of June 2008 that I went with Choon Sin and Daniel. As usual, I had the PitWalk tickets which I find useless now since more and more people are getting the Sarfari Walk( Car parading just right before the race start). Any way, it was really nice coming back for GT again. And I guess the best part is that I went with the both of them. And definately got Choon Sin obsess with Japanese guys too. *winks* Thanks guys for going with me! Glad you guys enjoyed too! =_) Other pictures could be found on my Facebook Page.