RanDom PiCs....
RaNDom PiCTureS..... * nICe? my future house will be hopefully near the beach * oRhanage N oLd- foLkS tRiP dUrinG cHinEsE neW yEAr..... * with the old-folks* * with the old-folks again * * orphans n us * *with orphans* moMEnts in cAmPs..... *with campers in sayornara camp* * a fews campers with the sayor committees* *with z han in yDc* *with lun-lunn my sisters in d2Y camp* mY fAmIly In coLLege..... *sis,grandma,me,father,mother* *with angelynn-my SiS(younger)* *took in college 2* *randomly took in class 1* *randomly took in class 2- c the diff?* *nICe* *any comment???* *PreTTy???* CuTe ANImal's PiC..... *hoW bOUt tHis???* *CutE???* * eVen cuTEr???*