sUnDay tHe 15th -aPRil 2007

Was forced to wake up to follow my parents to go brickfields temple... I was banned from going any where including SJBA temple but was forced to go to the one in brickfields....

So any way, reluctantly woke up n went... Upon reaching there, i had this feeling of unbelonging..It gives me a feeling that i no longer feel belonging.... May be its becuz there isn't any one any more that makes me feel like going back... I'm not saying of other people... But my group of friends which we use to be very close back then... But it seems that every one has drift apart ever since every one leave for a year of so called study leave for SPM...

Remembering back then we always hang out at out favourite spot with is behind of the pagoda...Thanks to mike becuz he's the one who found out about the place as when we fell like "tuanging" class, we will go there... There's the place we cry, laugh, share problems, share jokes, play all together.... Some how i feel that for every thing, there's an end to it... Like an end of those memorials day we used to have...

As i step in temple yesterday, in my heart i was hopping that i don't see any one familiar, as i didn't know how to face them n answer all their questions.... I quickly headed to Asoka hall for chanting as i know most of the group hates going for chanting... N i used to be one of them... Concentrate on chanting it self.... I didn't look around like i used to before to look out for familiar faces... I guess i was lucky not to... Then after that, went for breakfast with parents at the canteen which i find it weird as last time they used to eat at the mamak stall right beside the temple... Every thing changes now... Its just hard to explain the changes... It happened so fast that all of us didn't see it coming...

After breakfast, i followed my parents for dhamma talk... Oh by the way , main reason was forced to go was also due to the dhamma talk by Dr. Ananda.... The talk was very interesting... Hem... I guess it was also becuz it is some thing that relates to our life... More to parents actually... N the way, who us children should be filialpiety(so if wrong spelling) ... N that our parents who still have their parents which is our grandparents should be more caring towards their parents...

Dr. ananda also touched on whether we should go n pray during ching meng... Going back for ching meng is not a religious doings but a tradition... This is our chinese culture which we should preserve it so that the future children will still be able to know about it... If u do not continue the tradition, what call ur self a chinese samore.... I actually agree with him.... I know of a few christian who's a chinese n when asked if they were gong back for ching meng, they were like wat the hell??? our religion tells us that we can't do that... IMAGINE THAT..... WE CAN"T DO THAT???? Wat the hell is this man? Don't u have a brain to think when people say this u follow this, don't u have a thinking of ur own? Besides that, they also give reasons like they r dead, what for go n pay respect samore? I just can't stand it some times when they day that.... I understand that u should not have attachment towards things but this is not to ask u 2 have attachment to it.. Its just to go there n pay respect to them n recall what good they had brought to u n how they have sacrifice for u... this is a time to be thankful of all the things which had been done for u... Ppl now a days take things for granted... They do not fell thankful that's what i mean...

But go back for ching meng doesn't mean that u should buy lots of food , things for the dead to be burned for their use, n all... U can just have a simple wan like buy a bundle of flowers of may be light a candle or even better still just go there n may be spend a few minutes there n contemplate on what the person had done for u instead of burning n pollute the air... Going back for ching meng is also a time for family to reunite... Meeting back all ur brothers n sisters with their family to reunite... So actually ching ming is not a religious doings, so therefore, pls people think about it...

Hem i guess i side tracked again.. was suppose to post about friends.. some how went to ching meng pulak.. haha.. any way, ya just wanted to share with u guys about it... As i find it ridiculous for people now adays to just brush it off with reasons.... If ur lazy just say ur lazy don't giv all sort of excuse religion don't let... N even if its real, think does it make any sense to u????

Oh ok.. i guess.. i will post again about friends which was once close who r strangers now....

catch that ya....

*pls: pls don't be offended if there's any thing that i might have touched which is sensitive to u.... Just discontinue reading... That's wat i can say....

-signing off-


Anonymous said…
well, reality of life , ling, people come people go, old frens go, new ones come in
Anonymous said…
i'm still here.... waiting..... never left u n never will.

Hui-Ling said…
Hubert- em.. ya some how what u say have a point.. But don't u think that its a waste to do that?

Kei- thanks... I know u will... But i'm not sure if i can do the same... as u know last sunday, when i step in back to temple... i fell like a total stranger... But i won't give up.. I'll try my best 2 ... Hopefully, i would be able to get over the feeling of a stranger... Thanks again.... Really miss those times we spend with each other...

Thanks again 4 all ur comments.. continue leaving more....

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