F1 ! Never !

Alright here's some photos on F1 I went the other day.
Some how after going for Japan GT, I find F1 is nothing. May be its because you don't get to see cute Japanese guys over there. =_)
-so here goes-

-The drivers being driven-

-Start Racing-

-The view over the Mall-
(Mind you, those sitting at the Mall cost RM 1000/ticket)

-Petronas sign which much people discriminate-
-See those over at the trees? Those are hill top seats-
(It cost about RM 200 also /ticket)

- Private helicopter for the VIPs-

-Alright I'm going to confess some thing. I slept HALF of the race due to boredom-
-My tickeT-

-The was taken at the highway on the way to klang-
-The temple at the Hainam Village restaurant-

-Klang's night view-

-Not bad huh?-
Alright , there goes the RM 700 which could have been used for better use.
I would never go again even if its free just to get my self tan.
Special thanks to Sabrina for the wonderful experience of F1.
And Steel Recon Industry (SRII)


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