Severe Vomiting

Mood : Terrible , sick

Listening : Viva La Vida by ColdPlay !

In a terrible state and would like to remember this moments down a few years. So here I am writing this.

Any way , the high light of today is that I puked 5 times in less than an hour while I was on my way to work today. I think it was a blessing of disguise that I did not start puking when I reached my work place. I had some porridge I made the day before and probably might be because of that that I puked. I totally forgot to put the porridge into the fridge and it might have been infected by bacteria that I don't know.

So, I tried having some light soup after the first 2 times of puking but it didn't work too. Ended up puking again every thing that went down. Then I knew that I shouldn't be going to work any more. Ran back quickly and made my self a cup of hot Tumeric drink . And boy I was actually cold sweating on a hot day. It did make me feel better after the drink and slept till 7 some thing in the evening( it was 3 when I got back) without much waking up. And this does tells us that this TUMERIC is so powerful when you're in need of it. Some times all it takes are just some traditional medicine to actually cure a critical state of life and death. And I did actually thought I was going to die that instant I puked the fifth (5th) time.

Well any how, a lesson learned ,food should not be consumed after a night of not having it put in the fridge no matter how hot you heat it up ! But I'm still a little confused if I puked because of the porridge or because the sickness of H1N1( I think). Some thing to be ponder upon !


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