tRiP + de3peR unDersTandiNg

* up date*

As mentioned in the previous post, i went away out of the city for about 3 days. This 3 days really made up the time for me to spent it with my family. I actually had a very bad feeling before this about going as i thought it would end up a disaster to the getaway. But never the less, i went and in fact it turn out to be tremendously the opposite of what i had thought in mind before. And that, it was a good way of repairing the relationship with my parents and siblings. I had always fought with my sisters especially the one who is just 5 years younger than me. I always thought to my self that she always find other people's fault and never look on hers at all. But i realise that i was wrong after the end of the 3 days.

May be all this while i have under look on her. She was not very compromising in the beginning when we were about to leave the house as there was a slight argument about our personal belongings. But later upon reaching the destination, things began to move smoothly despite the argument we had earlier. In fact we compromised later on the issue we had an argument on earlier.

For the first time, i felt that she wasn't that unreasonable after all. And later i figured that out that it could be due to our different opinion as we both are very headstrong person any way. After the compromisation, i began to give in a lot to her may be because i felt that i should do so in return. As the saying goes, what goes around , comes around. That indeed is true, and i realise that i did it not because i wanted some thing in return and that act was out of kindness that she showed me. And because of that, for that 3 days we lived under one room without even argue or scold each other for things we have done wrong. And this is so strange that normally at home, we would even argue or purposely have different opinion on the simplest mistake we do.

It shows how strange that could be and when a person is in good mood , you won't mind giving in more than you used to, and i also realise some thing that we can control our own emotions and that the best we could have for a day.

Its like when you are emotionally down, we would tent to look for the simplest things to get angry at. Even if its just a question that would make you think that people is accusing you. This is how us human can some times be. We can be very rational this second,and we can be very unreasonable the next.

Okay enough of those, some thing more serious now.

I had been away for about a week. The 3 days of trip and the remaining at grandpa's place. And by right this week was suppose to be a so called study leave to catch up with studies that we might not have time during the classes days. But instead i spent it for trips which is unnecessary and catch up time with my baby little cousin and aunt. I'm so a no priority person. But can't help it as this is the way i am.

And worst still exam is on tuesday, and i am still lingering with my blog here. I'm going to be so dead when the results are out. Can't wait till my dad chop me alive. He's going to be so disappointed with me. But i guess he just have to accept my way of life who never takes things seriously that's why we always have different point of view. But hopefully he could accept the me me.

For it, i am actually still looking for the real me that is hidden under the me now.

And always trying to understand the things that is unexplainable.

Won't be updating soon for the moment as i don't think i would even have time to sit properly and eat. :-)


Next post will be about some thing to do with our beloved country- MALAYSIA


Pictures of the trip


The celebration of 50th anniversary of MERDEKA

*please wait patiently for the arrival of next post as it wouldn't be soon. Thanks.

-the unexplainable-


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